Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My Womb, Not Yours.

As I sit here and watch the Republican summit, I'm feeling a strange sensation that I simply cannot ignore...

I'm usually not very "out" about my political affiliation. Personally, I think it's tacky for people to constantly jabberjaw about something so uninteresting. But at this moment, I feel the need to be as nude as the news--isn't this always what happens when people watch too much Fox News?

I guess it's because this completely irritating subjection of women keeps occurring over and over and over again--the shiny toy of this ridiculous political game. No offense to the gays (being 1/2 a fag myself), but I wish their marital rights were at the forefront of this race now more than ever...if only to cease my seemingly constant annoyance these days.

But nay, it appears that the topic on the tips of these suited-up asshats tongues appears to be the Woman and her Womb.

Between all of these fuckers with their slicked-back hair and their more-righteous-than-thou-art monologues--I'm getting really, really weary.

"Legitimate Rape"
"Abortion is Murder" 
"Moral Law"

I am a modern woman, who has usually indifferent, and sometimes ambiguous, ideas of abortion.
Because I've never been pregnant, and therefore I have no real right to have an opinion on what I would do when faced with that sort of responsibility.

Honest to god, I do not know what I would, I reserve my right to not say what I would do--because, when I have previously debated the topic, I was faced with certain hostility upon being perfectly honest. Most likely because, when faced with the "morality issue", I can only say:

I'm sorry, but as a modern woman in a modern age, I REFUSE TO BE A PRACTICAL SLAVE TO MY REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS.

I mean, I have my own opinions on all of these matters of course, and you do too. Looking at these men up on this podium, preaching about civil liberties whilst directly contradicting what's coming out of their mouths is absolutely sickening to me.
This is America, people...opinions, options, differences, that's what makes us.

 It pisses me off that there's this guy talking about fetuses being human lives, and how when he's in office he'll do everything he can to insure that abortion will be illegal.
Firstly, he'll never be pregnant himself, ever (unless he's trans, and still possesses a vagina under the ill-fitting crotch of his designer pants) why is he educating me on what is right in my reproductive system?
Why is he insisting he make this choice FOR ME?
And for that matter, no matter what each and every one of us believes, there are ALWAYS exceptions to everything. There is never just one answer.

So, let's say this poor girl is walking home from school, and she's backed up against a wall by a child predator. She's raped. She somehow survives, and stumbles home to her Christian parents. Being a good Christian girl, she decides to have the baby. At some point in her pregnancy, she encounters a life-threatening obstacle which forces her to make a very adult decision--abort the baby and live, or do not abort the baby and die.

The civil liberty OWED to this poor girl, is her ability to choose her path.
And would you dare to judge her, should she choose the option you do not agree with?

It is not my problem if you don't believe in what I believe. My problem is with the male section of this bi-partisan tango (which, let's face it, is majority), trying to tell ME, a WOMAN OF AGE, what I can and cannot do with my fucking body.

I stand up for you, the woman who does not believe in abortion, has nineteen kids, and raise them all in a Christian household.
I stand up for you, the single teenager raising a child in front of the glaring eye of a reality television camera.
I stand up for you, the rape victim who chose an abortion as a concentrated decision to not have to face her attacker again.
As women, we must stand up and respect each and all of our decisions, for they were made on our own accord and with our own beliefs in mind--preserved for us by a government built on the fundamentals of freedom.

Women throughout history have been used as tools for what their wombs can provide, and based on this knowledge, I have chosen to have my own mind and to make my own decisions. And, since I have a voice, I will use it. I will use it to combat all of this ridiculous anti-woman mumbo-fucking-jumbo.

I am a registered Libertarian.
I am a woman.
I have a womb, and you will not tell me what I can and cannot do with it.