First off, I suppose we'll speak of a little history--
After all, that's where it all starts, right? In the youth, and the way we are taught in our youth? We are a product of our environment; I am a believer.
How have people come to fear, or find something revoltingly feral, about human sexuality (nudity included)?
There are certain religious sects that will argue the idea that sexuality was meant to be protected, kept decent, reserved only for "marriage"... yet, the ancients taught that sexuality was a healthy and socially-conscious way for the sexes to interact.
In ancient Greece and Rome, sexuality was used as a key figurehead in political manipulation...though perhaps not the wisest motive, it apparently kept both civilizations quite prosperous.
it's a shameful remnant of the dark ages where the church punished sexuality. we put this onto our children very early by slapping children for playing with their bits or making them feel shameful for wetting themselves. also due to the tabboo on sex, friendly touching or hugging is later seen as inappropriate amongst adults even despite the benefits. look at monkeys grooming each other, it should be in our nature