About a week ago I made a not-so-unusual decision to improve my diet and to start focusing on getting myself in shape again... trust me, this lazy hibernation has been going on for far too long.
So, I'm browsing through different options, figuring that this or that is going to be pretty hard to maintain considering I'm a full-time student, and I have a job, and I take a dance class... that doesn't leave me with the time or energy to pick and choose.
Then, it dawned on me...
I'm not really a fan of barbecue...
When I eat greasy meat I feel nasty and bloated.
Light bulb!

What if I just illuminate the meat from my diet?
Considering the food I really enjoy is all grains and fruits anyway... this makes for a very pleasant and easy decision.
A week ago I became a, you guessed it, Vegetarian.
I can honestly say it isn't as hard as I thought it might be.
I avoid meats, and generally eat grains, and starches, and fruits.
I'll sneak the occasional egg for breakfast in the morning, but it's not a sin.
Alas, here I am, feeling really healthy and adjusting my body to this shift... and I'm suddenly getting all sorts of brash interjections from friends and family alike.
"You won't get enough protein and you'll die." Being the main "concern".
People... don't you think I've put good thought into this?
Do you realize that there's more than one place to get protein?
I mean, sure, meat is good for you... but on a whole, I didn't even like the shit... except when it was lathered in grease and tasted too good to resist (the only reason being BECAUSE it was lathered in grease).
I can honestly say I'm proud of myself for making a decision like this.
It's going strong, and I want to be supported, not getting eyes rolled at me.
People associate vegetarianism with liberals and PETA and all sorts of retarded crap...
I don't care about bunnies getting stripped of their fur, okay?
I don't give a shit if you run over a kitten or eat a stake medium rare, it's not the end of the world.
I think PETA is retarded and that animals are good eating... just not for me.
I like my fruits and my veggies and my breads, is there an issue?
I'm not going to die.
I make sure I get more than one dose of protein-friendly foods every day.
Peanut Butter. Hummus. Lima beans.
Yum yum.
So get off my case because I'm trying to improve my health.
And stop asking me if I've suddenly stopped bathing and decided to live naked among the lemurs in Madagascar...
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