Apparently... the new totally awesome thing to do for a moderately singular female between the ages of fifteen and twenty is become impregnated.
Chyeah, I know right?
You know, pregnancy isn't a crime. It's surely not a bad thing. Logically speaking, we need babies in this world in order to have an ongoing supply of developing human beings to populate this massive sphere called the Earth. However... I find myself wondering how the most illogical people, at the most illogical ages, in the most illogical parts of their irresponsible lives are finding themselves "prego".
I mean...sure, sex is great.
Sex is fun.
Sex is all that good stuff--whatever.
I'm far from Sister Mary Lady Cracker, but I'm a realist here.
I've chalked it down to that whole "it just happened" chestnut.
At least, that's what the girls who are unwed, uneducated, and stuck in unfavorable positions will cite as their excuse.
I base most of my theories on facts, on research that I do in my everyday life just by witnessing, and I've come to realize (surprise, surprise) that women who were raised in "difficult" or "abusive" circumstances are highly likely to become sexually active (and therefore: pregnant) at early ages.
An example:
A friend of mine is an adoptee. Her biological mother was sixteen and unwed at the time of her birth. My friend was adopted into a severely religious household as an infant, and raised under the constant eye of her adopted mother. In high school, she displayed particularly promiscuous behavior, careful to hide it from her adopted parents. Once graduated, she moved away and "went wild", dropping out of college and returning home with a desire to eventually go to community college. She serial dated for a time, before discovering that she was pregnant (at the age of nineteen, and presumably by a one-night stand with an ex). I have reason to believe she sought or is seeking some form of verification in life through her actions--as she often expressed to me her dissatisfaction with her adopted mother, and her desire to be loved.
In essence, I sympathize.
In particular, I'm honest.
Ideally; I'd like to be in a position in my life where I know I can handle the task of bringing up another human being.
That's "ideally" speaking, and the average girl never really takes the time to think about an ideal setting.
Newsflash: They ought to.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with planning one's future, and looking forward to it.
There is room for chaos!
But in my world...at this point in time, there's absolutely no place for a 6lbs 7oz mound of infant humanity.
In retrospect, I'm also a believer in the term "shit happens".
That is "shit" being a fetus...that sounds bad, let me rephrase:
Your fetus is not shit.
It's a miracle, and all that wooplah.
As a free-thinking (if not entirely rational) individual, you have secured your right to allow your eggs to be fertilized whenever and however you see fit.
If by accident or no, hook or by crook, or whatever the hell.
In speaking this way, I never mean to offend...
I just often find myself wondering why there are so many broken homes and children growing up in unstable environments.
Jus sayin.